
Guides and white papers

Note that the year indicated is the year the content was last updated, not necessarily the year it was first researched and written.

Researched, written, and edited by me

Co-authored by me

Edited by me, authored by others

Question and answer articles

Encyclopedic articles

Here are some representative examples of encyclopedic articles created over the years.


Cloud vendors

Journal articles

I've added an open-access journal article to LIMSwiki on a weekly basis since mid-2015. Each article received soft editing for grammar and readability, with occasional fixes to broken URLs and even missing citations. The culmination of these edited journal articles can be found in the Journal: namespace of LIMSwiki.org.

Help guides

  • MediaWiki basics (2015): This is a set of guides briefly addressing how to use MediaWiki markdown language on LIMSwiki.
  • Using the Internet Archive (2017): This brief help article intended to help new MediaWiki users use the Internet Archive as part of the research and citation efforts.