
Template:Cannabis testing labs in the United States

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Flag of the United States.png

The prevalence of testing laboratories in any given state depends on a few factors: legalization status, state laws regarding testing, and strictness of regulations. Labs typically appear as stand-alone, third-party entities. Though not common, some testing laboratories are located within dispensaries (e.g., Champlain Valley Dispensary in Vermont[1]) and treatment centers (e.g., Sanctuary ATC in New Hampshire.[2]).

The following are known active cannabis testing labs (those currently in the licensing process are not included):


As of July 2022, the state is still in the process of finalizing rules and regulations for its program.








District of Columbia:

D.C. is still seeking a lab to take on testing as of mid-2021.[6]



As of July 2022, the Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission (GMCC) has not yet opened up applications for laboratory testing licenses.[7]




The state requires cannabidiol product manufacturers for its medical cannabidiol program test the products at two different stages of production.[8] However, it's not clear if any external labs are licensed to test the state's cannabidiol products.


Due to an absence of independent testing labs, the Louisiana Department of Agriculture was testing, as of October 2018[9] The Department of Agriculture was jointly working with the LSU AgCenter's Agricultural Chemistry Department to test for the state's fledgling medical marijuana program.[10]

In July 2022, news broke that the state had amended medical marijuana statute to allow The University of Louisiana's Monroe School of Pharmacy "to provide lab testing services for purity and potency to the state’s medical cannabis industry," with an engineering and construction phase for the associated facility beginning in early 2023.[11]






Not clear; independent labs must be approved by Commissioner of Health.[12] Two labs—Aspen Research Corporation and Legend Technical Services, Inc.—were approved to do testing in 2015, but neither lists those services on their website.[13] The state explains how to apply to become an approved laboratory, but no corresponding list of approved labs can be found on the site.


As of July 2022, the Mississippi medical cannabis program is young, and there are no entities approved as a "Testing Facility" yet on the medical cannabis establishment list.[14]


Medical marijuana passed in November 2018.[15] In late December 2019, Missouri announced a list of 10 labs that were approved for medical marijuana testing.[16] As of July 2022, eight labs are currently approved to operate in MO:



New Hampshire:

The state mandates testing, but it's not clear which independent laboratories are approved to do so. Alternative treatment centers may be responsible for own testing. Nelson Analytical, LLC may be licensed to test cannabis in New Hampshire, but it's not clear.

New Jersey:

For the medicinal Cannabis program, independent laboratories are able to test for the program, but a list of labs for medicinal Cannabis can not be found on the Cannabis Regulatory Commission's site. As of July 2022, a list of four testing laboratories show as being approved for a testing license[17]:

New Mexico:

As of August 2022, the State of New Mexico indicates that a list of currently licensed cannabis testing labs, for some reason, is only available "with an Inspection of Public Records (IPRA) request," found here. (Citation: e-mail correspondence.) It's not clear why cultivators, etc. are listed publicly but laboratories are not. Prior to this, Scepter Lab, LLC and Scientific Base Solutions Laboratories, LLC were suspected of being licensed, but it's not clear if they still are.

New York:

"The Department's Wadsworth Center Laboratory will perform initial testing and analysis of final medical marijuana products until independent laboratories receive certification from the New York State Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP)."[18] The state is accepting comments about laboratory testing regulations until August 15, 2022.[19] Presumably once accepted, applications will be accepted for independent testing labs.

North Carolina:

Some labs in North Carolina, like Avazyme, Inc., are registered with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to test hemp. See the USDA page for more.

North Dakota:

The state mandates that its compassion centers must test cannabis in-house or have it done by a contracted facility.[20] Keystone State Testing, LLC DBA Dakota State Testing was originally selected by the state for testing in May 2018.[21] However, by late 2020 or early 2021, the North Dakota location was removed from the Keystone State Testing website. A news article from The Dickinson Press in October 2021 casually indicated that Adams Independent Testing, LLC was testing medical marijuana for the state.[22] It's not clear when this transition occurred.





Rhode Island:

South Dakota:

As of August 2022, the state lists only Cannabis Chem Lab, LLC as the primary testing laboratory, noting also that the South Dakota Public Health Laboratory in Pierre is available but only for "for confirmatory and law enforcement testing."[23]


As of August 2022, the state's medical cannabis program is quite limited in scope.[24][25] It appears the three approved suppliers may be doing their own testing in-house, e.g., as with Texas Original.[26]


In November 2019, the application process for laboratories opened up.[27] As of August 2022, the Utah Department of Health & Human Services states that the "Utah Department of Agriculture and Food has one licensed Independent Cannabis Testing Facility located in Utah County."[27] The Department of Agriculture and Food reveals this lab to be Aromatic Plant Research Center, LLC.[28]



West Virginia:

Draft legislation originally stated the Bureau for Public Health will be responsible for approving testing laboratories.[29] An update to its "Growers/Processors/Dispensaries/Laboratories" FAQ was made in February 2020[30], and the application period for such businesses was set to close on February 18, 2020.[30]

As of August 2022, it's not clear how many laboratories have been approved. No formal list of labs can be found on the state site, and according to law, "an approved laboratory may not advertise, market, or otherwise promote its medical cannabis testing services to the general public,"[31] making it difficult to locate them. A single press release was found, however, indicating Analabs, Inc. of Crab Orchard, WV was approved by the state in March 2021.[32]

  1. "Our Quality Commitment". Champlain Valley Dispensary, Inc. http://www.cvdvt.org/products/quality-commitment/. Retrieved 24 February 2017. 
  2. "New Hampshire Therapeutic Cannabis Laboratory Analysis — Therapeutic Uses". Sanctuary ATC. http://www.sanctuaryatc.org/laboratory-analysis-nh.php. Retrieved 24 February 2017. 
  3. Flood, C. (15 November 2016). "State contracts medical marijuana tester". Cape Gazette. http://www.capegazette.com/article/state-contracts-medical-marijuana-tester/120159. Retrieved 02 March 2017. 
  4. Cape Gazette (17 April 2019). "Statewide testing keeps medical marijuana safe for users". DelBook.com. https://www.delbook.com/statewide-testing-keeps-medical-marijuana-safe-for-users/. Retrieved 07 May 2019. 
  5. Delaware Health and Social Services (October 2021). "Delaware Medical Marijuana Program Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2021" (PDF). https://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dph/hsp/files/mmpannrpt2021.pdf. Retrieved 27 July 2022. 
  6. Le Dem, G. (1 April 2021). "D.C. Cannabis Growers Say It’s High Time For A New Testing Lab". The Outlaw Report. https://outlawreport.com/dc-testing-labs/. Retrieved 27 July 2022. 
  7. "Apply for a License". Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission. https://www.gmcc.ga.gov/licensing. Retrieved 27 July 2022. 
  8. Office of Medical Cannabidiol, Iowa Department of Public Health. "Laboratory Testing Requirements & Acceptance Criteria" (PDF). https://idph.iowa.gov/Portals/1/userfiles/234/Files/(HF2589%20Updates)%20v4_3%20Lab%20Acceptance%20Criteria%20Document.pdf. Retrieved 28 July 2022. 
  9. Karlin, S. (23 October 2018). "Louisiana medical marijuana delayed after state forced to do product testing, company says". The Advocate. https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/business/article_b05f7ca4-d6fe-11e8-b997-8ff7036b6c47.html. Retrieved 27 November 2018. 
  10. Boone, T. (17 April 2019). "Louisiana ag commissioner hopes to get medical marijuana products on approved pharmacy shelves in May". The Advocate. https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/business/article_14dcfe5c-6158-11e9-8480-5b6d2335b4c0.html. Retrieved 07 May 2019. 
  11. Herrington, A.J. (12 July 2022). "Louisiana University Gains Approval to Conduct Cannabis Research and Testing". High Times. https://hightimes.com/news/louisiana-university-gains-approval-to-conduct-cannabis-research-and-testing/. Retrieved 27 July 2022. 
  12. Klarqvist, E. (August 2016). "Minnesota’s Medical Cannabis Therapeutic Research Act" (PDF). Minnesota House of Representatives. http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/hrd/pubs/MCTRA.pdf. Retrieved 02 March 2017. 
  13. "Public Health Laboratory Annual Report: Fiscal Year 2015" (PDF). Minnesota Department of Health Public Health Laboratory. 2016. https://www.leg.state.mn.us/docs/2016/other/160894.pdf. Retrieved 14 March 2017. 
  14. "Establishment Registry: Registered Mississippi Medical Cannabis Establishments". Mississippi State Department of Health. 5 July 2022. https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/30,0,425,1005.html. Retrieved 08 July 2022. 
  15. Marso, A. (16 November 2018). "Medical marijuana in Missouri: When—and if—you can get it". The Kansas City Star. https://www.kansascity.com/living/health-fitness/article221302705.html. Retrieved 27 November 2018. 
  16. Holman, G.J. (19 December 2019). "Medical marijuana: Missouri notifies winners of testing lab licenses". USA Today. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/local/ozarks/2019/12/19/medical-marijuana-missouri-notifies-winners-10-testing-lab-licenses/2698035001/. Retrieved 15 February 2020. 
  17. Cannabis Regulatory Commission. "Recreational License Awardees". State of New Jersey. https://www.nj.gov/cannabis/businesses/recreational/license-awardees/. Retrieved 30 July 2022. 
  18. "Frequently Asked Questions". New York State Medical Marijuana Program. New York State Department of Health. March 2016. https://www.health.ny.gov/regulations/medical_marijuana/faq.htm. Retrieved 24 February 2017. 
  19. Office of Cannabis Management. "Marihuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA)". State of New York. https://cannabis.ny.gov/marihuana-regulation-and-taxation-act-mrta. Retrieved 30 July 2022. 
  20. "Initiated Constitutional Amendment No. 5" (PDF). North Dakota Secretary of State. 2016. https://vip.sos.nd.gov/pdfs/Measures%20Info/2016%20General/Measure%205.pdf. Retrieved 02 March 2017. 
  21. "North Dakota chooses medical marijuana laboratory company". The Associated Press. 21 May 2018. https://www.apnews.com/397eab5555e84454af2833c2763ba481. Retrieved 27 November 2018. 
  22. Schmidt, H. (10 October 2021). "Fargo lab keeps 'Wild West' of hemp and marijuana industry in line". The Dickinson Press. https://www.thedickinsonpress.com/business/fargo-lab-keeps-wild-west-of-hemp-and-marijuana-industry-in-line. Retrieved 30 July 2022. 
  23. "Certified Establishments". South Dakota Department of Health. https://medcannabis.sd.gov/Establishments/CertifiedEstablishments.aspx#Testing. Retrieved 03 August 2022. 
  24. Miller, S.R. (13 February 2020). "Texas Cannabis Market Restrictions Stunt Growth". New Cannabis Ventures. https://www.newcannabisventures.com/texas-cannabis-market-restrictions-stunt-growth/. Retrieved 08 July 2022. 
  25. Teakell, J.R.. "A Guide To Texas Medical Marijuana Laws For Doctors And Patient Use". Law Office of John R. Teakell. https://teakelllaw.com/texas-medical-marijuana-laws/. Retrieved 08 July 2022. 
  26. "Testing Results". Texas Original. https://texasoriginal.com/testing-results/. Retrieved 03 August 2022. 
  27. 27.0 27.1 "Laboratory & Testing". State of Utah. https://medicalcannabis.utah.gov/production/labs/. Retrieved 03 August 2022. 
  28. "License Lookup". Utah Department of Agriculture and Food. https://webapp.ag.utah.gov/LicenseLookup/. Retrieved 03 August 2022. 
  29. Bureau for Public Health (14 December 2017). "Title 64, Legislative Rule, Bureau for Public Health, Series 111, Medical Cannabis Program - Laboratories" (PDF). State of West Virginia. http://dhhr.wv.gov/bph/Documents/MedicalCannabis/Proposed%20Rules/Medical%20Cannabis%20Program%20-%20Laboratories%20-%2064%20CSR%20111%20v1.pdf. Retrieved 29 November 2018. 
  30. 30.0 30.1 "Office of Medical Cannabis". Bureau for Public Health. State of West Virginia. Archived from the original on 01 February 2022. https://web.archive.org/web/20220201215737/https://dhhr.wv.gov/bph/Pages/Medical-Cannabis-Program.aspx. Retrieved 03 August 2022. 
  31. "Title 64, Legislative Rule, Bureau for Public Health, Series 111, Medical Cannabis Program - Laboratories" (PDF). State of West Virginia. 21 April 2020. https://omc.wv.gov/rules/Documents/64-111%20Medical%20Cannabis%20Program%20-%20Laboratories.pdf. Retrieved 03 August 2022. 
  32. "Medical Cannabis Testing Laboratory Announced". West Virginia Department of Health & Human Resources. 19 March 2021. https://dhhr.wv.gov/News/2021/Pages/Medical-Cannabis-Testing-Laboratory-Announced.aspx. Retrieved 03 August 2022.